Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Move Ahead in Your Career: 7 tips for starting a new job successfully

As a prelude to our upcoming professional event "Move Ahead in Your Career", I thought this article in EETimes maybe interesting to those people who have recently moved into a new job. Though this article focuses more on the Dos and Don'ts at a new job, our seminar will focus on the communication techniques in your current jobs that will enable you to get your point across in the best way possible. For more information on the seminar click here

Here is the article...

To read the original version on EETimes click here

7 tips for starting a new job successfully

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Sunday, August 13, 2006

NetSAP provides activities to network & party hard

All work and no play makes professionals a dull lot
By Dermot Whittaker (India New England)

The Network of South Asian Professionals provides activities that bring young South Asians together for professional development, community service and fun. White water rafting trips (above) are part of NetSAP’s schedule.

BOSTON — Where would you rather be? In a conference room on a work night, listening over the struggling air conditioner to every word of advice on getting into business school? Or camping on a cool July night in Maine, sleepless with anticipation of the next day’s whitewater rafting trip on the Penobscot River?

NetSAP Boston — The Network of South Asian Professionals of Boston — is determined that members should have their choice.

The panel discussion “Getting into Top MBA Schools” held on June 22 and the “3rd Annual White Water Rafting at Penobscot River in Maine” trip on July 22 and 23 represent NetSAP Boston’s two distinct faces: one practical and serious, the other fun-loving

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