Thursday, April 20, 2006

Press Release- Wine N Greet, An Overwhelming Success!

April 13, 2006, Boston, MA--The Boston Chapter of the Network of South Asian Professionals (NetSAP-Boston) had an overwhelming response to a new event this year “Wine & Greet” organized on Thursday, April 13th. The new concept enables people to make many contacts in a short amount of time. The event was attended by 50 people from the Boston area. Many NetSAP members and non-members RSVPed for this event, but due to the size of the venue, seating was limited. NetSAP plans to pursue this event again in a couple of months.

The setting for this event was at the intimate and cozy Vinalia Restaurant, located on Summer Street in Boston. The entry fee included a complimentary glass of wine and a chance to network with individuals, in a non-traditional manner. The concept of the event was well-thought and was set up in such a way that everyone in the room gets to spend at least 5 mins with each other. The individuals sat across each other and conversed about various interests and topics. A few ice-breaker questions were given to each person to provide ideas for conversation topics. Inbetween coversations, people also got to taste different wines. The event put both "outgoing" and more "reserved networkers" on a level playing field. An after event mix and mingle session ensured that people got to interact more. Everyone came away with meeting new people and building a wider network.

One attendee, Pankaj Gupta, mentioned that he liked the idea of the “Wine & Greet” and that it was “really helpful to establish new connections because the setting compelled people to interact with each other. This is a very good initiative.”

Another attendee, Kiran Ganda, had a few words to say about the event: “It was such a good idea as it really facilitated interaction and introductions. In the past, I have attended a couple of NETSAP events (happy hours) and found it difficult to talk to people because most people seemed to know each other. The Wine and Greet really drew people who a) wanted to meet new people and b) needed a non-intimidating, secure, relaxed atmosphere to do so. I think NetSAP should continue to hold such events where interaction is easy. I would definitely go to another Wine 'n' Greet event”.

Bhairav Mehta, who moved to Boston recently and was attending the event with his wife felt that the Wine 'n' Greet event definitely helped them know more people in the Boston area and build their network.

Pallavi Chhabra, NetSAP Social Co-Chair and the organizer of the event, mentioned that, “Wine ‘n’ Greet was definitely a huge success. It gave people the opportunity to get together in a very comfortable environment. At the end of the event, it was like a ‘big happy family’. Wine ‘n’ Greet was more so targeted towards people who are not very relaxed in talking to others in a regular bar environment but on the other hand are certainly interested in meeting new people. The event drew people closer to one other and built new friendships to cherish! We would definitely like to host similar events in the future. It was a great way to represent NetSAP as a social organization!”

Pictures from the Wine 'n' Greet event will be posted soon on the NetSAP photos page at The next NetSAP event is the monthly happy hour at Caprice on April 27th. A community service event is also planned for April 29th, 2006, Saturday at the Long Island Shelter Farm. Please contact Siddharth Pandit, NetSAP Community Chair, at for more information on this opportunity!

About NetSAP-Boston:
Founded in 1995, the Network of South Asian Professionals of Boston (NetSAP-Boston) is a professional, 501c(3) not-for-profit organization dedicated to serving the professional, political, cultural and civic needs of the South Asian community in the Greater Boston area. We seek to unite South Asian professionals, nurture leadership, and build partnerships in the New England area through professional programs, networking events, and community service efforts. NetSAP-Boston is part of NetIP-NA, The Network of Indian Professionals, North America. For more information on events, membership and other initiatives, visit To learn more about NetIP North America and other chapters in other cities, visit

Monday, April 17, 2006

Articles and Information on South Asian Women Entrepreneurs & Business Owners

As our April 20th fireside chat comes closer, I thought you might find these interesting. Some of the articles are on or about South Asian women. Others are about Indian women in general, which highlight some common issues faced worldwide.

Feel free to add more links that you found interesting.

Women business owners have three top goals: to enjoy their daily work, increase profitability, and have the freedom to put into practice their own approach to work. Three quarters (75%) of women attributed importance to having greater flexibility for personal and family life, fulfilling a personal vision, and having more satisfying work relationships.
- Center for Women's Business Research, Capital Choices: Volume 1, What Matters and What Works. September 2005.

The No-Sari Zone: South Asian Women At Work

Top Facts About Women-Owned Businesses

Women Business Owners

Minority Groups Increasing Business Ownership

Developing Women Entrepreneurs in South Asia: Issues, Initiatives, and Experiences

IIM Ahmedabad - A Reflection of the Indian Women in Entrepreneurial World

Microcredit Helps Women Entrepreneurs in India

Investment in Indian Women Entrepreneurs Leverages Economic Growth

Focus on Professional Networking

Event Registration & Professional Networking
NetSAP Boston is increasing our professional networking opportunities. Each event has a 30 minute registration and mingling session at the beginning. This is your chance to talk with other South Asian professionals in the area. I want to encourage you to introduce yourself to everyone! Make it your goal to walk away with 3-4 business cards of people in your field or in a field you are interested in. If you do this and attend the rest of our events this year, you will have increased your network by 30 to 45 people of common interests by the end of 2006!

Our next professional event is on Thursday, April 20th. Please click here for more details.

Informal Discussion, Happy Hour & Professional Networking
Holiday Inn, where we will hold our professional events, has a bar on the main floor. After each event, you will have an opportunity to continue an informal discussion with the speakers. Since you took the time to attend the event, why not spend 45 minutes to an hour more and make a few contacts over drinks.

Please email if you have any questions.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

NETSAP Promotes Social Growth..and I Have the Numbers to Prove It.

It only hit me last month, that a fair portion of my Boston social network (perhaps 15-20 friends) stemmed from an initial meeting at a community or social NETSAP event. The unexpected statistic is that prior to this month when I actually joined as a member and a board member, I only attended 3 events in the past 10 months. And the 15-20 people aren't 20 people that all hang out with each other..actually most of them don't even know each other. I just happen to know them in groups of 3 or 4, or even 2 or 1. Here's my story....

Last July, I relocated here to Boston for work, from the Philly area. My main core of friends have been Philly based, South Jersey/CHILL..hellz ..the rest of Dirty Jersey..Penn Staters..and a plethora of Penn State Desis that now reside in D.C, NYC, Philly, or on the East Coast, and their networks. Moving to Boston for me, was kinda like breaking out of my "shell" (or groups of friends that I was comfortable with). It was in many ways (career and socially), starting from scratch. I only had 2 friends in Boston before moving here. One is still a great college friend from PSU, doing her residency here. The other is a friend of a friend, who is a film you may have guessed..I have still yet to touch base with him.

So as expected, coming to work for the largest employer in the Boston area, there were many many young, single professionals and entry-level college grads that got hired on around the same time. I'm talking in the hundreds to thousands... Several of these guys and girls are some of my best friends here. We have tv/movie marathons during the week, or a restaurant of choice to check out and happy hr socials or apt parties and clubs to attend on weekends. I've had to socialize and network with individuals that have come here to Boston from everywhere from ASU in Arizona, to LSU, to Carnegie Mellon, to Rutgers..actually pick a school, basically anywhere in the U.S. It's like a Technical UN forum. However, with the exception of 1-2 desi friends from work, by the time August came..I really felt deprived of Indian culture and socializing, that I was soo used to back at home, or even at school.

So, the first NETSAP event I attended was Food Bank Volunteering for Greater Boston Food Bank. In summary, it was an easy 4hrs to volunteer on a saturday morning, you were able to pick whether you wanted to move carts, package, or the preferred this case sort boxed or canned foods. My take away was that I met individuals that later became to be a non-alcoholic environment!! Eventhough, I was still hung over from the night was refreshing to meet new people at a community event, and alcohol didn't play a expectations, no digits, no thinking "is she into me?, should I ask her out?"..just people there for one common cause, volunteering for the needy. Right away I became friends with 3 individuals (actually throughout this entire blog, I am keeping these people anonymous, but I apologize if it gets confusing by leaving out names). Anyway, since then, the 4 of us meet about 1-2 times a started with one of their Birthday parties at a hot lounge, then we continue now with brunches, or whenever we are available. Although, we all come from different backgrounds and our professions range from medical to engineering to finance, we still keep in touch and make it a point to have a social get together, even if we miss the monthly happy hr (which happens every month), we'll still meet to eat or grab drinks.

Event 2: My first happy hr..yes..memorable or not?? I did end up with 6 highly valued friends..a few of my best friends here in Boston. Ironically I ended up working with one of them, and the rest I had some odd bond to that whether it was a girl from Cally, or two recently married couples, we liked hip-hop, we talked trash, and whether it was a few of us that just moved to Boston, while half of em lived and grew up here all of their lives, it was easy and a fun time to make new friends. In this case, and like the others I will mention in the blog, I was unable to get my friends from Food Bank Volunteering to come with me to Event 2, so I have proved multiple times..that going to these events alone, forces you to put yourself "out there", meet new people, make professional contacts (i have so many business cards), and make new friends. Actually, even by the 2nd event, I met people that knew friends of mine from Penn State, PA, or Dirty Jersey. Boston is small like that doesn't take too long before you start running into the same people on the T, or at Felt on Fridays or 33 on Saturdays, etc, etc.
btw, I believe this HH was at the used to be 180 lounge in the financial district...

Ok, finally Event 3: This Happy hr was set further on BU campus off of the B Line so the problem I was confronted with again was 1. Conflict in schedule for my other friends to accompany me 2. My schedule since at this time I was on businees travel for about half of the month, 3. None of my previously established or newly founded desi friends wanted to trek all the way down Comm Ave for this HH location. Eventhough this place was mad hot! Tonic..I think it was called. So, at this point, when many of my friends were unable to accompany me, it was more like an invigorating challenge for many new contacts can I meet??, what in the world is down there at the end of the B-Line anyway??, so...sure enough it was the next Thursday Happy Hour I was available to attend, which was in the start of 06, and the last I went to was ..Sept I think. At the end of the event, I made a number of new professional and social contacts, I occasionally meet with friend for dinner who's from the midwest, made a Bengali contact who wanted to accompany me to the Saraswati Pujo that I was attending the month following, made a business venture contact that I can not get into on this blog, some biological science professionals in Framingham, and made some friends that I saw out partyin in Boston in multiple occasions...and have warmly invited me over for home cooked Indian food.

So in summary, let's do the math: 5+6+6...through 3 events..and I forgot to mention on the way I've made over5 board member friends which actually drove me to become interested enough to impact more of the South Asian Professional Community here in the Boston area, by contributing as a board member. That's over 22 recurring contacts that I touch base or spend time with ~weekly, not to mention countless other individuals that I may interface with in the future on a professional or cultural level.

So Tushneem..I think that's the success story you might have been looking for!! :)


Support NetSAP by becoming a Member

NetSAP is a 501c(3) not-for-profit organization. By becoming a member you will not only support the organization but will also support our programming activities.

We provide our members with professional development events, social and cultural events, networking opportunities, community service and outdoor activities. We are committed to making your membership worthwhile while making a difference in society. Whether you are new to the city or have been in Boston for years, NetSAP is a great way to expand your network. We have memberships available for students, singles, and couples!

For a list of events planned for 2006:
For a list of past events:
For member testimonials:

NetSAP Membership Benefits

  • Get discounts at all NetSAP events (Happy Hours are free versus the $5 for non-members)
  • For the year 2005, a typical NetSAP member would have gotten discounts worth more than $100 for a membership fee of just $35.
  • Access to Member-only events. Preference is given to members for all events.
  • Discounted access to Alliance Partner events (TiE-Boston, MITHAS, AID-Boston, IWL, AIF, SAMTA, IAGB, Project Impact and many more… )
  • Receive a membership card
  • In the process of creating “NetSAP Membership Miles”- after so many events, an event is free
  • We are also in the process of speaking with area businesses to give discounts specially to NetSAP members


  • Community Service - Participate in our volunteer work projects to encourage and support the larger Boston community in need of assistance.
  • Professional Development - Define and achieve academic and career objectives and improve professionals skills such as leadership, management, interpersonal, and communication
  • Professional Network - Meet not only other professionals in your field, but also interact with men and women from other areas which may encourage you to explore complimentary fields and aspirations.
  • Political Awareness - Understand the legal issues affecting the South Asians today.

Membership Fees (Membership expires on December 31, 2006):

  • Student Membership- $20
  • Individual Membership - $40
  • Couple Membership (Married) - $70

For more information regarding membership, please contact Renee Sinha, Membership and Marketing Chair at

Volunteer at the Organic Farm

Come join NetSAP for a fun filled day at the Long Island Shelter Farm to make a difference. The farm is a 4 acre organic vegetable, flower, and herb farm located on Long Island in Boston Harbor and produces 30,000 pounds of high quality food serving over 850 homeless individuals every day. NetSAP volunteers will help in harvesting/ landscaping activities around the farm. Enjoy the start of spring by spending a day out in open fresh air with your friends and other professionals, helping on the farm and helping to make a difference in local community.

NetSAP provides community service opportunities several times in a year. To see pictures from our volunteering event at the Greater Boston Food bank click here. These events are fun and a great way to meet like-minded people.

We have only 25 spots available for this experience. So sign up soon . The last date to RSVP is 29th April. For more details on the event click here

Wine & Greet

Registration has closed for this event, but please contact Pallavi (information below) in case there are some openings.

Are you new in town?

Do you want to make new friends?

Do you want to meet people who share common interests as you do?

Have you always wondered what wine is?

So here is a great chance… Come and participate in the most anticipated event since the 2004 world series: WINE n GREET- Build your Network!

Date: Thursday, April 13, 2006
: 7:30 pm
: Vinalia, 34 Summer Street, Boston MA

Charge: NetSAP Members: $10

Non-Members: $15

Entry fee includes a complimentary glass of wine

For more information on the event, please contact, Pallavi Chhabra, Social Chair at

For sponsorship details, please contact: Dom Kallas at

Monday, April 10, 2006

New Location & Professional Networking

New Location
NetSAP Boston has arranged a new location for events such as the South Asian Women Leaders Fireside Chat on April 20th. Our professional events will be held here for the remainder of the year.

Holiday Inn
1200 Beacon Street
Brookline, MA

It is a 2 minute walk from Coolidge Corner and there is tons of metered parking available on Beacon Street in front of the hotel (for miles actually, so parking should not be an issue). Most of the meters are free after 6pm. As you come in from the main entrance, there are steps going downstairs to the meeting rooms.

Registration & Professional Networking
NetSAP Boston is increasing our professional networking opportunities. Each event has a 30 minute registration and mingling session at the beginning. This is your chance to talk with other South Asian professionals in the area. I want to encourage you to introduce yourself to everyone! Make it your goal to walk away with 3-4 business cards of people in your field or in a field you are interested in. If you do this and attend the rest of our events this year, you will have increased your network by 30 to 45 people of common interests by the end of 2006!

Informal Discussion, Happy Hour & Professional Networking
Holiday Inn has a bar on the main floor. After each event, you willhave an opportunity to continue an informal discussion with the speakers. Since you took the time to attend the event, why not spend an hour more and make a few contacts over drinks.

Please email if you have any questions.

Saturday, April 01, 2006

South Asian Women Leaders in New England - Fireside Chat with Indira Patel and Shelley Chhabra

Building on the success of our South Asians in the Media event, we are bringing together two women leaders of our region. Ms. Indira Patel is CEO of New England Office Supply (NEOS), a well-established business owner. Ms. Shelley Chhabra recently launched her Indian bridal wear company after spending a few years in a technical field! They bring diverse professional and personal experiences for an exciting and thought-provoking discussion.

This will be a personal and interactive session with the audience. We want you to ask questions and engage the speakers in a dialogue, so come prepared!

General topics for the evening are:

- Personal background of migration to the US
- Plunge into business ownership or entrepreneurial activity
- Changing careers from a technical field to a non-technical field
- Thoughts on growing a company by focusing on the important activities
- Discuss specific issues related to women entrepreneurship, support and encouragement opportunities
- Differences in conditions under which Indians migrated to the US in the 60s and 70s compared to obstacles faced by the generation of today!

Please RSVP to Bring your friends, co-workers and spouses! We look forward to seeing you there. See the Events section of our website for more specifics.

If you are not a NetSAP member, please join now by visiting .

Attending two events and two happy hours will cover the cost of your membership for the year! Many of our events are free or discounted for members!