Monday, April 17, 2006

Focus on Professional Networking

Event Registration & Professional Networking
NetSAP Boston is increasing our professional networking opportunities. Each event has a 30 minute registration and mingling session at the beginning. This is your chance to talk with other South Asian professionals in the area. I want to encourage you to introduce yourself to everyone! Make it your goal to walk away with 3-4 business cards of people in your field or in a field you are interested in. If you do this and attend the rest of our events this year, you will have increased your network by 30 to 45 people of common interests by the end of 2006!

Our next professional event is on Thursday, April 20th. Please click here for more details.

Informal Discussion, Happy Hour & Professional Networking
Holiday Inn, where we will hold our professional events, has a bar on the main floor. After each event, you will have an opportunity to continue an informal discussion with the speakers. Since you took the time to attend the event, why not spend 45 minutes to an hour more and make a few contacts over drinks.

Please email if you have any questions.

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