Saturday, April 01, 2006

South Asian Women Leaders in New England - Fireside Chat with Indira Patel and Shelley Chhabra

Building on the success of our South Asians in the Media event, we are bringing together two women leaders of our region. Ms. Indira Patel is CEO of New England Office Supply (NEOS), a well-established business owner. Ms. Shelley Chhabra recently launched her Indian bridal wear company after spending a few years in a technical field! They bring diverse professional and personal experiences for an exciting and thought-provoking discussion.

This will be a personal and interactive session with the audience. We want you to ask questions and engage the speakers in a dialogue, so come prepared!

General topics for the evening are:

- Personal background of migration to the US
- Plunge into business ownership or entrepreneurial activity
- Changing careers from a technical field to a non-technical field
- Thoughts on growing a company by focusing on the important activities
- Discuss specific issues related to women entrepreneurship, support and encouragement opportunities
- Differences in conditions under which Indians migrated to the US in the 60s and 70s compared to obstacles faced by the generation of today!

Please RSVP to Bring your friends, co-workers and spouses! We look forward to seeing you there. See the Events section of our website for more specifics.

If you are not a NetSAP member, please join now by visiting .

Attending two events and two happy hours will cover the cost of your membership for the year! Many of our events are free or discounted for members!

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