Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Vote for the 2009 NetSAP Boston Executive Board

Dear NetSAP Members,

The final nominations for the NetSAP Boston 2008 Executive Board are in. Click on the names of the candidates to view their letters of intent.

Process for voting: All 2008 and 2009 NetSAP Members are eligible to vote in the elections. Voting will be carried out for the positions of President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary and National Liaison which makes up the Board of Directors for the organization.  The BoD will then finalize the nominations of the other chair positions on the Board.

For uncontested positions, members will have an option to challenge the candidate and voice any issues they may have. If not the candidates will be considered unanimously elected.

Each candidate brings lot of passion, commitment and energy to the NetSAP board. When deciding to vote make sure to read their letters of intent to learn about their strengths. While new candidates may bring fresh ideas to the table, candidates with prior stint with NetSAP will bring in enormous experience. It is this mix that has helped NetSAP Boston grow tremendously over last few years.

How can you vote: This year members will have two options for voting. You can vote in person at our holiday party and elections event on Saturday, December 13th, 2008. Alternately, you can vote online through the voting link that will be sent out to your email in the next week or so. The voting process will end on 13th December and all votes will be anonymous.

Lastly, we'd like to thank the candidates for stepping forward and volunteering to take NetSAP Boston to the next level. We'd also like to thank you for taking the time to choose the next leadership. If you have any questions feel free to email Tushneem Dharmagadda, President, NetSAP Boston 2008 and elections officer at

PositionResponsibilities & Duties
The following positions on the 2009 Executive Board are contested
(Click on the names below to view the candidate's letter of intent)
PresidentProvide leadership, vision and guidance to the team in all areas.Manage the overall flow of activities and events.

Nominees: Kunal Mishra,    Pallavi Chhabra

Vice PresidentResponsible for creating alliance partner relationships, external communications and building the NetSAP-Boston brand. Coordinate all teams (social, professional, community, cultural, membership and sponsorship). Work hand-in-glove with the President in all these activities

Nominees: Chaitali Thakar

TreasurerOversee and manage finance for NetSAP-Boston, including generating periodical reports. Maintains all financial records. Work hand-in-glove with Sponsorship Chair in building the financial status of NetSAP-Boston

Nominees: Swarupa Purandare

SecretaryResponsible for, managing internal communications, board meetings and newsletter. Keep an on-going record of all activities and events. Help President and Vice-President coordinate all teams.

Nominees: Gayathri Arumugham

National LiaisonCoordinate communication between NetIP-NA and NetSAP-Boston. Attend all meetings and conference calls and represent NetSAP-Boston in the National organization. Work with respective Chairs and develop initiatives at NetSAP-Boston with National significance. This includes membership incentives and sponsorship opportunities.

Nominees: Manoshi Vin

The following positions on 
the 2009 Executive Board are finalized by the President & Board of Directors (Vice President, Treasurer, & Secretary)
Website Director
Multiple Openings
Maintain, update and develop the NetSAP Boston website; Assist with all web-related NetSAP activities including forums. Requires knowledge of basic HTML and JavaScript. Knowledge of PHP scripting language preferred.

Nominees: Sivashankar Pattamadai

Membership / Marketing Chair 
Multiple Openings
Take a proactive role in constantly increasing membership base by devising new strategies; Manage all marketing-related activities for the organization and Alliance partner relationships.

Nominees: Sonia Rai,    Sanjay Tamhane

Sponsorship Chair
Multiple Openings
Responsible for securing sponsors for NetSAP-Boston. This key position involves building relationships and securing sponsorships from corporations and other potential local organizations to achieve annual sponsorship goals to support NetSAP-Boston

Nominee: Rashi Mittal

Social / Networking Events Chairs
Multiple Openings
Develop and manage all social & networking events; Organize all monthly social events;
Organize an additional
4 to 6 networking events per year.

Nominees: Harish Gulati

Professional Development Chairs
Multiple Openings
Develop and manage all professional development events which include panel discussions, speaker series, and mentoring events;
Organize 6 to 8 professional events per year.

Nominees: Sonit Seth, Kalyan Bemalkhedkar


Multiple Openings
Develop and manage all cultural/theatrics events which include Gala events, celebration of festivals, Chai chats and plays;
Organize 3 to 4 cultural events per year.

Nominees: Rishi Popat,  Michael Dwan Singh

Community Service Events Chair
Multiple Openings
Develop and manage all community service initiatives which include volunteering events, fund-raising initiatives and social entrepreneurship panels;
Organize 3 to 4 community events per year.

Nominees: Saru Mahajan

NetSAP Forum Moderators
Multiple Openings
Moderate and maintiain User-Forum on the NetSAP website.


For further questions and clarifications feel free to email Tushneem Dharmagadda, President, NetSAP Boston 2008 and elections officer at

Thank you
NetSAP Boston Executive Board 2008

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